Saturday, October 27, 2007


Hi are not exercising regularly and her advice hopefully help you.Besides that eat balanced diet especially fresh fruits to ensure a good health.
Hei before I forget did you guys hear about the incident about two policemen were shot dead during a drug raid in Sungai Buluh. So terribeveryone. Glad to hear again from you all after Raya. I found your comments and postings are really good, the drug, exercise and first Malaysian to space. But Adila’s caught me the most. I see that most dental students le that the criminals no longer fear of police.I can’t imagine what will happen to our nation if this kind of incident keeps escalating.
Ok let’s move to the main topic I want to share with you friends. It sounds quit interesting for me and be for you too if you read. Guess want? Alright there’s no more suspends. Its about goals in life. Goals are objectives or aims that we have set for ourselves which we hope to achieve within a given time frame. We may have long-term goals like career ambitions or dreams to fulfill which may take years and great effort. While short-term goals are usually simple tasks which we would like to achieve over a short period of time, for example, to complete an assignment from class before end of day.
To be successful in life, we should have goals and make it a point to achieve them. Achieving a goal can be one of the most rejoining and fulfilling times in your life. It helps to raise your self-esteem and gives you the confidence you need to spur you on for greater and more challenging goals. Many achievements made by the great and famous people can be attributed to goals which seemed impossible. Thomas Alwa Edisson, for example had invented electric light and thousands other inventions like telegraph machine beyond his own peoples expectations. He achieved his goal after several unsuccessful attempts which took many years, trials and errors.
We often set goals which we believe are achievable and desirable. Yet we sometimes fail to achieve them. We find the process of realizing these goals arduous and painful, so we give up. Lack of confidence and fear of taking chance are other reasons for our defeat.
Most individuals have their own way of achieving goals.Some people agree putting their goals down on a pierce of paper is one way of assessing the task involved in achieving them. It is common for people to write their new year resolution in a brand new diary. Writing our goals commits us to them and they also serve as motivating remainders when we feel like giving up.
Another method that helps us achieve our goals is picturing ourselves having achieved
It.We imagine ourselves savouring the victory. Our sense of achievement would be very strong and lighten up. I would prefer the second method as it is more ideal.
Goals give directions to our lives. When we know what we want and acknowledge our limits, we make our life more meaningful and fulfilling. Besides raising our own self-esteem, it motivate others like our little brothers or sisters to follow in our footsteps.
Our mission for success lie in everything we do. So don’t wait for things to happen but make it happen.
Mmmmm, that will do for now. I’m so tired and till we meet again tata bye bye.


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