Tuesday, October 16, 2007

drug addiction

Hai everybody, and first of all for the Muslim I want to wish Happy Raya Day and I hope all of you have enjoy your Raya break. As my tradition need I to visit my relatives during Hari Raya, the last 3 days I was visit my hometown and I heard many problems of drug addiction especially in Felda areas like my hometown. Here I want to share my opinion about this problem.
Drug abuse is becoming a serious problem among students in Malaysia. The number of students who take drugs has increased tremendously over the last few years.
How can we recognize drug addict? There are many symptoms of drug addiction. The drug addict normally loses weight and has red, watery eyes and a running nose. Sometimes you can see scratches and marks on his arm. He will also feel very tired most of the time.
There are many effects of drug addiction. The addict usually gets sick because he has no apatite and doesn’t eat enough. He may also have difficulty remembering things, or even concentrating on anything as he cannot think clearly. Continued drug addiction can even caused death. Many young people have died because of drug abuse.
Some people feel that stress causes students to take drugs. They can’t cope with the pressure of school work so they take drugs. Many parents too expect excellent examination results from their children and this causes more stress. The students are also very easily influenced by their friends. They listen to their friends and do what their friends do. Many students have become addicts because they follow their friends. Parents are also to blame for this problem. They are too busy at work or lead active social lives. Thus they don’t spend enough time with their children and so the children feel neglected and unwanted.
Schools do warn the students about the dangers of dangers of drug abuse. However, the mass-media and parents should also do their part to control the spread of drug abuse.

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